Bed Bugs Control Service In Bangalore

Bed Bug Control Services in Bangalore

Are you concerned about a potential bed bug infestation in your home? Bed bugs are nocturnal pests that feed on human blood, leaving itchy bite marks as evidence. Detecting a bed bug problem can be challenging, as people react differently to their bites, and not everyone may exhibit immediate symptoms. 

Here are some indicators of a bed bug issue:

  1. Bite Marks: Bed bug bites typically appear on areas of the body that are exposed when you sleep. These bites can vary in appearance, causing redness, itching, and discomfort.
  2. Visible Bed Bugs: Bed bugs are visible to the naked eye. They are relatively large insects, growing up to 1/4 inch in length. Young bed bugs are smaller and almost transparent but turn dark brown or black after feeding.
  3. Nighttime Activity: Bed bugs are primarily active at night when their human hosts are asleep. During the day, they hide in cracks and crevices in furniture, walls, and other hiding spots.

It’s important to take action promptly if you suspect a bed bug infestation. The preparation process before treatment is crucial for successful elimination. 

Here’s what you should do:

  • Remove Bedding: Take off bed sheets and curtains and wash them.
  • Room Cleaning: Vacuum and clean the infested room(s).
  • Empty Furniture: Empty drawers and wardrobes, and wash or tumble-dry the clothes before reintroducing them to the room.
  • Declutter: Remove toys, books, boxes, bags, posters, and other clutter from the room. Be cautious not to spread the infestation to other areas.
  • Freezing: Objects that cannot be washed or treated with insecticide (such as books, shoes, CDs, bags, etc.) should be placed in a freezer overnight to kill any hidden bed bugs.

After the preparation, a professional treatment process begins, typically involving the application of insecticide sprays to the walls, ceilings, bed, mattress, furniture, and surrounding areas. Common insecticides used include Demand CS, which contains Lambda-cyhalothrin.

Here’s what you should do after the treatment:

  • Animal Safety: Prevent domestic animals from walking on treated surfaces until they are dry. If bare skin comes into contact with wet treated surfaces, wash it immediately.
  • Avoid Cleaning: Do not vacuum treated carpeted areas for at least two weeks, or longer if the room is not kept warm and dry.
  • Do Not Wash: Do not wash walls, bed frames, or any other treated surfaces for at least two months to ensure the effectiveness of the insecticides.
  • Bedding Laundering: Wash all bedding.
  • Occupancy: Heat and occupy the treated room(s) at night to encourage bed bugs to crawl over treated surfaces. Expect to see some bed bugs for at least two weeks after treatment; if you still see them after this period, another spray may be necessary.
  • Reduce Humidity: Maintain low humidity levels and keep the premises warm, as this promotes eradication.
  • Furniture: Do not introduce new furniture to an infested area until the infestation has been fully eradicated.

Bed bugs are primarily found in bedrooms, where they feed on their human hosts during sleep. They hide in bed frames, cracks, and crevices around the room when not feeding. While they don’t typically infest mattresses or bedding material, they can live for up to 12 months without feeding.

Here’s some general information about bed bugs:

  • Bed bugs are wingless insects that move by crawling or hitchhiking on clothing, luggage, or other items. They are commonly found in places with high human traffic, such as hotels.
  • Bed bug bites can vary in appearance and may cause redness and itching. They typically bite at night.
  • Bed bugs are reddish-brown but turn blood-red after feeding. They grow to about 5mm in length and pass through several nymph stages before reaching adulthood.
  • The female bed bug lays eggs in batches of 10 to 50, and they take about 10 days to hatch. Bed bugs can mature into adults within one to two months if they have sufficient food.
  • Bed bugs are sensitive to temperature, with survival rates dropping below 9ºC or rising above 36ºC.
  • Modern buildings with central heating provide ideal conditions for bed bugs, and they can live longer without food than many other pests.

The bed bug life cycle typically takes about 40 days when they are well-fed. The process involves eggs hatching into nymphs and eventually maturing into adults. Young bed bugs look like smaller versions of adults and are challenging to see without magnification.

If you suspect a bed bug infestation or need professional assistance, please contact us. Our service typically takes 30-45 minutes, with a turnaround time of 6-8 hours, depending on the area’s size.